Why is your pet’s routine wellness visit so important?

Routine wellness visits are a great way to help your pet live a healthy life for as long as possible. These visits can also help us catch potential health issues earlier and may help you avoid additional costs associated with treatments if disease goes undetected.

A typical wellness visit might include:

  • A physical exam

       -  We look for changes in your pet’s teeth, weight, joints, skin, and ears. These changes may be signs of illness.

  • Diagnostic screening tests

       -  We check your pet’s internal health through blood, urine and faecal tests. These results help us manage and track your pet’s overall health.

  • A review of results

       -  We look for changes in results from year-to-year. Changes can act as early warning signs of health problems.

Schedule your pet’s next wellness visit today!

Developed by NetOPZ